How can I add stencils to my Venetian plaster installation?


Adding stencils to a Venetian plaster feature wall is a creative way to enhance visual appeal and introduce intricate patterns or designs.  Stencilling on Venetian plaster allows you to personalise your space, adding a touch of uniqueness and sophistication; if you want to personalise the space truly, then a company logo, a phrase that is … Read more

The Art of Designing a Striking Venetian Plaster Feature Wall For Your Home


In the world of interior design, creating a visually stunning and impactful feature wall is an art form that can transform the entire space.  One of the most luxurious and versatile techniques to achieve this is using Venetian plaster and decorative finishes, such as Microcements, concrete or metallics. In this post, we will delve into … Read more

Sky House Design Centre 10th Birthday

10-Year-Anniversary-sky house-signature-walls-venetian-plaster

The design centre will celebrate its 10th birthday on 15th February 2024, as one of the businesses based from here, Signature Walls is pleased to be part of the event. Throughout the course of the day, there will be talks, demonstrations and opportunities to meet with the other service providers. Sky House is the largest … Read more

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Surrey KT2 7PW