Can I use micro cement on my floor?

In essence the answer is yes, as with most of these decorative finishes and surface design options it’s not always that straight forward, allow us to explain and also give examples of where Microcement is best suited or cannot be used.

Microcement can be used to go over most existing hard floors which would include existing tiles, hardwood, concrete, self-levelled latex, vinyl flooring and screed.  

Each of these flooring types will need assessing on an individual basis to examine their suitability & what specific preparation may be required beforehand but providing they are structurally sound then the applicator will be able to advise during their inspection visit.

It will not be suitable to go over carpet or fabric-based floorings, we would advise removing these and cleaning the areas before deciding to apply a decorative finish such as this.

Owing in part to it’s robust and versatile nature, Microcement on floors has become quite an innovative and fashionable product to use in recent years, the interior styling market has been swamped in ranges of concrete, cement-based products and greys all vying for you attention and installation throughout your home or workplace.

To extend the longevity of this finish being used on floors we offer a range of sealing options which are applied after the final top coat design layer has fully cured with no moisture present, this would typically be offered in satin, matt or gloss finishes.  Doing so just adds an extra layer of protection and durability to the Microcement floor so it looks great for many years to come, especially in high foot traffic areas such as the hallway.

Complete customisation on all surfaces in the home is something, here at Signature Walls we’re extremely passionate about, which is why our range of finishes is vast.

This particular range of products can come in different levels of hardness, surface shine and be tailored to your tastes in the overall finish and design, it’s the expertise of the designer and/ or applicator that will make the difference in your project and create for you something truly unique and special to you.

We love the versatility of this range giving the opportunity to incorporate textures and patterns into floors so that you don’t end up with a flat and somewhat lacklustre finished option, whilst that may suit some people we’re here to help educate and bring about a creative twist to your flooring ideas should you choose to explore them.

If you’d like to find out more about how this particular product range could be used in your home, simply get in touch using our form, or drop us an email.

Sky House Design Centre
Raans Road