Why would you choose Venetian polished plaster as a decorative finish?

Polished PlasterVenetian plasters are a very appealing option when it comes to interior design and styling, with the ability to add depth, texture and richness to walls in ways that paint alone cannot achieve, they also bring about an air of luxury to the surfaces and the uniqueness that can be tailored to your personal taste preferences.

This can help you achieve a space that gets continual compliments and a level of personalisation that your friends, family and visitors do not have in their homes.

Out of all the finishing options available, the polished plaster look is timeless and will undoubtedly be one of the popular choices that remains, it is after all quite a visually pleasing option to look at.

So this leads us to the question at hand and title for this blog post, why would you choose this finishing option when looking to decorate or freshen up your spaces, below are our top 5 reasons why you’d pick this instead of another finish:

  • High shine and glossiness- which is very distinctive for this particular finish, people who choose polished plaster want to achieve a highly polished look that reflects light beautifully.
  • Dramatic Design patterns- owing in part to the application method and artistic flair of the decorative artist doing the installation, some truly unique and breathtaking patterns are achievable. For this reason, it is important to agree on an overall pattern or style beforehand with the applicator so you can visualise what the end product will look like, naturally, there will and should be variances throughout without hard lines or straight aspects, we’re aiming to recreate natural looks after all.
  • Depending on the skills of the artist, you may be able to integrate geometric patterns and straight lines into the design if it is particularly appealing but from the actual spreading of the products, we would still expect to see their own specific application style come through, this is very specific to them & where they have learnt the craft
  • Depth of colours- the ability to achieve such a result is down to the layering up, choice of products and again the designer application methods, each manufacturer of these products will have a different ‘recipe’ that they work to and a variety of colour palette, some may even offer a colour match service to particular shades of paint or otherwise that you are particularly keen on. To explore the options available check here.
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable, caring for your health and the environment at the same time.
  • Historic coating and steeped in tradition, if you have an older property and look for sympathetic materials that reflect its age, our range of Venetian plasters can help you achieve this. For further guidance on older properties check this resource.

Sky House Design Centre
Raans Road