How can I add stencils to my Venetian plaster installation?

Adding stencils to a Venetian plaster feature wall is a creative way to enhance visual appeal and introduce intricate patterns or designs. 

Stencilling on Venetian plaster allows you to personalise your space, adding a touch of uniqueness and sophistication; if you want to personalise the space truly, then a company logo, a phrase that is personal to you, or an emblem from your favourite sports team can set the theme for your space.

You can check out some examples of our stencil work here.

In commercial spaces, this can result in a particularly excellent, stylish or creative way to display the company logo as a focal point for visitors when they enter your lobby or main office space; they also make great backdrops for video calls and content creation.

The placement of stencils within the installation and the complexity of stencil design will need to be confirmed in advance; getting this right is essential to a successful stencil installation.

What are the main ways that stencils can be used in your feature wall or decorative designs?

Embossing and debossing stencils in Venetian plaster

These are the most common ways to use stencils in Venetian plaster with the same product.

The applicator or installation artist should be able to provide these, or you can source them yourself, commonly in acrylic, printed vinyl or di-bond.

Effectively, these will provide the relevant stencil that can be overlaid or inlaid into the overall wall or surface design, depending on the look you’re trying to achieve.

Once cured, if you’d like to enhance this stencil style in your Venetian plaster, you could include metallic paint or leafing to make it pop.

Painted stencils on Venetian Plaster

Once your feature wall or surface installation is nearing completion, you may add a stencil using a suitable paint; this could be a metallic or contrasting colour, adding to the overall visual effect.

The stencil can be applied once or overlaid to create a larger pattern, with the chosen paint being applied with a brush, sponge, roller or spray.

For a depth of field perception, you may offset the stencil when overlaying and then select a different shade or colour of paint.

Liquid metal stencils and Venetian Plaster

Using liquid metal to create a stencil design opens up your option to this exciting product range; curing it to be a solid and robust design, you may use this as either an infill type stencil or one that sits proud of the surface.

Both will work, so it comes down to which style best suits your overall design.

You could also use this as part of the detailing, which is particularly effective when working with a patina or distressed style design.

Phantom or ghost stencilling and Venetian Plaster

If you embed a stencil within one of the coats of product and then add more material over the top, you can create what is known as ghost or phantom stencilling; this means you’ll see the outline or shadowing of the stencil but not in its whole form.

Use this if you want a more subtle stencil or combine it with the more aged effects.

Oxidisation and patina effects with stencils

If the desired outcome appears aged, distressed or oxidised, you could include the appropriate material or products in the stencil.

These effects emanating down from the hard lines of a stencil onto a concert wall or micro cement installation can be particularly effective. 

Colurwashes for distressing can assist the stencil in standing out or blending into the rest of the background substrate.

Before committing to stencilling your walls or surfaces, we recommend using a sample board to give a snapshot of the bigger picture and a reference of what to expect.

We’d love to hear if you’ve devised any other creative way to use stencils with Venetian plaster or other decorative finishes.

Simply drop us an email at

Sky House Design Centre
Raans Road